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Universal Wisdom - Hardcover

AU$49.95 + GST (includes shipping)

Universal Wisdom, published in 2005, is Brett Kelly's second book. It explores the principles of seven universally admired figures whom Brett considers his heroes.

About the book
Universal Wisdom continues the conversation started in Brett Kelly’s bestselling book, Collective Wisdom. This book features seven profiles of prominent figures who have inspired Brett’s understanding of universal principles.

Through his experiences discussing his first book with over twenty thousand people across Australia, ranging from ages 12 to 90, Brett gained deep insights into diverse perspectives on life.

In his personal quest for meaning, Brett realised that some ideas serve as universal principles. Universal Wisdom profiles seven universally admired individuals who are Brett's heroes: Warren Buffett, Martin Luther King Jr., Nelson Mandela, Gandhi, Pope John Paul II, Helen Keller, and Mother Teresa of Calcutta. These profiles illustrate how each of these figures recognised and applied 'universal wisdom' to improve their own lives and make a positive impact on the world.

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