Direct Invest Portfolios
Get access to professionally managed portfolios and exceptional expertise through our Direct Invest Portfolios platform.

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Kelly+Partners Direct Invest Portfolios
Get access to professionally managed portfolios and exceptional expertise through our Direct Invest Portfolios platform. No matter how much you have to invest, or what your level of investment knowledge is, you can now get access to clear, effective and transparent investment management expertise.
We take away the complexity and administrative burden of managing your own investments, providing you with the ability to choose the model portfolio best suited to you. With 24/7 transparency, control and peace of mind, you can invest with confidence knowing you're in the right hands.
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Sign in to your account by clicking the button below. If you experience issues logging in please contact our Private Wealth team.
Get started with Direct Invest in 5 steps
Explore the platform
Take the time to review the portfolios and information available
Choose your model portfolio
Choose a model portfolio that best suits your objectives from the table below.
Open your account
Open your account whenever you feel ready, with a few clicks.
Transfer your funds
As soon as your account is activated, you will receive an email with details on where to transfer your money - and this will be invested for you as soon as it is received.
Monitor your portfolio
Stick to your wealth goals, contribute regularly and we will keep you updated with regular weekly investment reports and any portfolio changes.
Any questions?
If you have any questions, please contact the Private Wealth team.
How to get started with Direct Invest Portfolios
Aims to deliver a total income return of over 5% p.a (net of all fees). The fund is actively managed and provides diversification across asset classes with no exposure to shares or equity markets.
Who is this suitable for?Investors seeking an alternative source of income without taking on equities and share risk.
Asset class mix
Fixed Income, Property, Cash
5% plus (net of all fees) through the market cycle
Risk LevelLow
Suggested time frame3-5 years+
Management fee0.80% + GST*
* There may be additional costs, such as Indirect or Transactions Costs, which are confirmed in the Investment Menu and Fee Calculator, available via the sign-up page.
Aims to deliver a total income return of over 5% p.a (net of all fees). The fund is actively managed and provides diversification across asset classes with exposure to shares and equity markets.
Who is this suitable for?Investors seeking an alternative source of income who are comfortable with exposure to shares and equity markets
Asset class mixAustralian Shares, Global Shares, Fixed Income, Property, Cash
Target Income Returns5% plus (net of all fees) through the market cycle
Risk LevelLow-Medium
Suggested time frame3-5 years+
Management fee0.80% + GST*
Aims to provide investors with a moderate income and capital growth over periods of 5 years or more by investing in a diversified portfolio split equally between growth assets and defensive assets.
Who is this suitable for?Investors seeking a careful balance between risk and reward
Asset class mix50% defensive (fixed interest, cash)
50% growth (equities, property, alternatives)
CPI plus 4% in any rolling 5 year period
Risk LevelMedium. Negative return 4 years in every 17 years
Suggested time frame5 years+
Management fee0.80% + GST*
* There may be additional costs, such as Indirect or Transactions Costs, which are confirmed in the Investment Menu and Fee Calculator, available via the sign-up page.
Aims to provide investors with a higher rate of return over periods of 7 years or more by investing in a diversified portfolio of predominantly growth assets.
Who is this suitable for?Investors seeking to maximise their total returns over the longer term and are prepared to tolerate a high degree of market volatility along the way.
Asset class mix10% defensive (fixed interest, cash)
90% growth (equities, property, alternatives)
CPI plus 5% in any rolling 7 year period
Risk LevelHigh. Negative return 5 years in every 17 years
Suggested time frame7 years+
Management fee0.80% + GST*
* There may be additional costs, such as Indirect or Transactions Costs, which are confirmed in the Investment Menu and Fee Calculator, available via the sign-up page.
Aims to provide investors with a diversified portfolio split equally between growth assets and defensive assets, taking into account the ethical. social and environmental impact of the investments made
Who is this suitable for?Suited to investors seeking a careful balance between risk and reward and who wish to make a positive social impact and are ethically focused.
Asset class mix40% defensive (fixed interest, cash)
60% growth (equities, property)
CPI plus 4% in any rolling 5 year period
Risk LevelMedium. Negative return 4 years in every 17 years
Suggested time frame5 years+
Management fee0.80% + GST*
* There may be additional costs, such as Indirect or Transactions Costs, which are confirmed in the Investment Menu and Fee Calculator, available via the sign-up page.
Kelly Partners Direct Invest are distributed by Kelly Partners Private Wealth (Wholesale) Pty Ltd is a corporate authorised representative of Kelly Partners Private Wealth Pty Ltd (AFSL: 516704, ABN 629 559 860); and administered by OpenInvest Limited ACN 614 587 183, the responsible entity of the Service, via the OpenInvest Portfolio Service ARSN 628 156 052.
It is general advice only and is not intended to provide you with financial advice, and has been prepared without taking into account your objectives, financial situation or needs.
Before making any investment decision, please review the PDS and Target Market Determination (available here at Should you require assistance in determining whether an investment in the service is right for you, you may wish to seek personal advice from an appropriately licensed financial adviser.
All figures contained from sources believed to be accurate. Past performance is not an indication of future performance. Investing and trading carry financial risk, when judging performance please consider the different types of investments and levels of risk associated. Kelly+Partners does not make any representation of warranty as to the accuracy of the figures and disclaims any liability resulting from any inaccuracy. Performance of the Portfolio is based on a model portfolio and is gross of investment management, administration fees and transaction costs.
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