Insights Centre | Kelly+Partners Accountants

A GREAT Small Business Accountant's Value During COVID-19

Written by K+P Team | 18 August 2020

‘In a rapidly changing world, clients need broader and more sophisticated advice than at any time in the past’. 

Can you think of a more appropriate sentiment in a more appropriate time? This statement has been on our website long before COVID-19 became a phrase we hear every day. 

It’s been over six months since the COVID-19 pandemic started to have a significant impact here in Australia. People, economies and businesses are suffering. While big corporations and multinationals may be able to weather the storm, it’s the small and medium-sized businesses feeling the brunt of the biggest economic downturn since the Great Depression.

Businesses just like yours.

That’s why it’s more important than ever to have a great small business accountant as part of your team. 

Sure, a good business accountant can crunch numbers, do taxes and make sure things are steaming along nicely until next year. And that’s fine when things are going well.

But what about the not-so-good times? Such as when the world economy almost grinds to a halt overnight? When the government orders you to close your business with just 72 hours’ notice?

You don’t need a good small business accountant during tough times and the COVID-19 pandemic. You need a great one. 

And here’s why.

A small business accountant helps you focus on your business

Now more than ever, you want to know your business is in safe hands. With pandemic assistance and the level of restrictions changing so often, you need to trust your accountant is doing their job so you can focus on yours. Like many small business owners, you’ve had to rethink the way you run your business on a day to day basis. 

Maybe you’ve had to close your doors for some time. Perhaps you’ve had to stand down or lay off staff. Or possibly you just can’t keep up with what you should be doing, when and how.

The team at Kelly+Partners have got your books and your back. And never in our 14-year history has this been truer.

We can give you back the time to concentrate on your business while ensuring you are accessing the benefits and grants that different levels of government have made available to your business.


A great small business accountant is across constant changes

Some days it seems like the only certainty is that things will change. 

Restrictions on business are implemented at a national, state and now local level. One day your doors are open, the next you must close or somehow pivot your business to operate differently. Trying to keep up to date and compliant isn’t easy. Add in the changes that have been made to the financial support businesses can access, it can be hard to keep across it all. 

You need to know and trust your accountants are on top of everything. All-day, every day. 

With a team of over 250 people at 15 locations, Kelly+Partners are perfectly positioned to ensure we’re on top of any changes as soon as they’re announced.


Has your business accountant kept you across all the financial support available to you?

Stimulus package. Government funding. Jobkeeper. Jobseeker.

Most of these words were not even in our vocabulary at the start of 2020. And yet these are words we see thrown around in the media every day. Eligibility, criteria and levels of support are changing as the pandemic evolves. So a great small business accountant will be there by your side assisting you with your cash flow projections towards the end of the year and into 2021. 

We understand the governments are doing their best to cope with not only an unpredictable virus but an unpredictable economy. However, it’s still a challenging place for a small business owner right now.

But it doesn’t have to be.

Our team will help you understand and quickly access the funds and packages available to you, your business and your staff. We’ve covered off some of the options that a great accountant would have covered off with you.

A great business accountant keeps you informed

A good accountant will give you an email and phone number, a great accountant has more than one way to keep you informed.

The quickest and easiest way is to check out our COVID-19 support page as well as check out our regular news and insights posted on the blog. You can even subscribe, so you never miss a thing.

We also send out a regular client newsletter and have a team of experienced accountants on board available for a discovery call to help clear up any questions you might have.


A great small business accountant ensures you plan for the future

As tempting as it is to only think as far as the end of the current financial quarter, it’s vital to plan for the long term future as well. Six months ago, there seemed some hope Australia would be getting back to some sense of normal. Sadly, that hasn’t happened quite yet.

Now is the time to sit down with a small business accountant who specialises in your industry and talk about how your business is going to survive. To make plans for the next three months and the next three years.


Great business accountants look at your business holistically

While it may seem counterproductive, if things have slowed down for you, this may be the perfect time to take another look at your business. Even without COVID-19, many businesses ebb and flow naturally. With these changes, sometimes what used to work is no longer the best option.

Can things be done differently? Could your processes be streamlined? Are there better apps you could be using, or do you need to upgrade?

Turn the current situation around and make this downtime work for you. When it’s under control, your business will be ready to sail into wonderful clear skies.


A small business accountant is part of your team

If 2020 has taught us anything, it’s that anything is possible. While the worst economic depression in almost 100 years is happening, businesses are finding their way through the fog. 

But they’re not doing it alone.  

A great small business accountant, like the ones you find in every Kelly+Partners office, will jump onto your ship, stay by your side through the storm and help sail you back into calmer waters. 

But most of all, a great accountant will make sure you’re better off.

If we’re not already part of your team, don’t you think it’s time to welcome us aboard?

If you’d like some guidance from our business accountants regarding what business stimulus packages are available to you, or if you have any questions, please contact your local Kelly+Partners office today. 

You can also request a call back at a time that suits you.