Insights Centre | Kelly+Partners Accountants

Protect your personal identifying information

Written by K+P Team | 26 August 2024

Take outs:

  • Be Cautious with Your Information: Always be mindful of sharing your personal identifying information (PII), such as your Tax File Number (TFN), bank details, and passwords. Only provide this information to trusted entities and verify their legitimacy before disclosing any details.

  • Recognise and Avoid Scams: Scammers often use methods like phishing emails, fake phone calls, or misleading messages to trick individuals into revealing personal information or making payments. Be skeptical of unsolicited requests for sensitive information and verify any such requests independently.

  • Enhance Your Security Measures: To protect yourself, use strong, unique passwords or passphrases, enable multifactor authentication, keep your devices updated, and be cautious with links and attachments. Implementing these security practices can help safeguard your personal information from unauthorised access and potential fraud.

Protect your personal identifying information

Learn how to protect your personal identifying information.

Be aware of what you share

Always be aware of what information you share. Your personally identifying information (PII) forms pieces of a scammers puzzle. Scammers can use this information to access your bank account, sign in to your myGov account, steal money and then commit fraud in your name.

To help protect yourself: