How To Find The Right Buyer For An Accounting Firm
1 min read
20 March 2023

Selling a business that you have put years of time and energy into is not an easy task — but with the right approach, it should be possible for you to find the right buyer. If you are currently considering selling your accountancy business and looking for expert assistance, Kelly Partners can help. Consider the factors outlined below, or contact us for further assistance. 

Factors to consider when deciding where to sell your business

Think about the following four factors carefully before you make a final decision about your business and its future owners.

  • What your clients stand to gain – Your clients are more likely to be happy with the sale if they stand to benefit in terms of new services they may have access to or more favourable terms of business.
  • How your team will fit into the new organisational structure – If you care about your team, you must ensure the sale is right for them too. You need to discuss how they will fit in with your prospective buyers’ organisational structures and make sure that the successful bidder understands the hopes and aspirations of individual team members.
  • The culture of the acquiring company – Corporate culture is an important consideration as well. Pick a buyer with a similar approach to business in order to protect your team from culture shock.
  • The price – Your accounting firm valuation will, of course, be a major factor that needs to be considered. Ideally, you want a buyer that can offer the right culture, the right fit for your team, the best services for your clients and the right price as well.

If you would like our professional help when deciding where to sell your business or how to calculate an accounting firm valuation, call or message us today.