Insights Center | Kelly+Partners Accountants

Psychological Safety: The Key to Thriving Teams

Written by K+P Team | 30 August 2024

Take outs:

  • Psychological Safety Enhances Innovation and Engagement: Employees who feel psychologically safe are more likely to offer fresh ideas, take risks, and contribute creatively, which drives innovation and engagement.

  • Four Stages of Psychological Safety: Dr. Timothy Clark outlines the stages as Inclusion Safety (feeling accepted), Learner Safety (comfort with growth and feedback), Contributor Safety (confidence to apply skills), and Challenger Safety (security to question and improve).

  • Benefits to Business: A psychologically safe workplace improves employee retention, enhances creativity, boosts resilience, and ultimately leads to better customer experiences and increased revenue growth.

  • Steps to Create Psychological Safety: Implement practices such as clear expectations, open communication, active listening, providing support, and appreciating contributions. Leaders should model vulnerability, frame tasks as learning opportunities, and seek and act on employee feedback.

Psychological Safety: The Key to Thriving Teams

When employees feel secure enough to question the status quo, they’re more likely to offer fresh and innovative ideas. Without psychological safety, employees tend not to speak up and your business suffers.

So, what exactly is psychological safety, and why is it crucial for your business?

In this article, we’ll explore what psychological safety looks like at work, discover why it’s so important, and share tips on how to create a more supportive and open workplace.

What is psychological safety?

Psychological safety is all about feeling comfortable speaking up and sharing your thoughts openly. At work, it means employees can freely offer ideas, challenge existing practices, or raise concerns without fearing criticism or backlash. It’s the assurance that their peers, colleagues, and leaders will support them rather than punish or belittle them for their input or mistakes.

What are the 4 stages of psychological safety at work?

Dr. Timothy Clark, Founder and CEO of LeaderFactor and author of The 4 Stages of Psychological Safety: Defining the Path to Inclusion and Innovation, outlines four key stages that employees move through. Here’s a breakdown of each stage: